I\’ve been much better about keeping track of my bankroll this year, thanks to Pokercharts.com — even though, thus far, it hasn\’t been a winning year. Kinda interesting.
Just tonight/last night … I had a pretty good session (ended up +$485 in $.50/$1 NLH) … though half of that came from the last hand of the night, where Fawcett flopped a mini-monster … which he played a little weakly trying to trap me … which fueled my bluff-draw, and in the end let me hit the nuts with a gutshot. Cool. Even cooler was getting Fawcett to push all-in once I got there. Anyhow ..
Read into it whatever you want.
Either you know something or you don\’t — there is no in-between when it comes to knowing. And I think this map of my average earnings per session reveals something I hadn\’t come to hard-and-provable grips with … and that is that I am pretty much just a break-even player. Semi-bitter pill to swallow, but hey, there\’s no room in winning poker for delusions. Here is some other relevant computer-generated analysis of my 2007 play, as logged by Pokercharts. Kinda funny:
I came out $485.00 ahead during my last session, 7h 0m of $.50-1 No Limit Hold \’Em at Danang. From 2007-01-02 to 2007-03-23 I have mostly played Hold \’Em (97% of the time), and after that Other (3% of the time). During this period the Dow posted a 2.0100000000002 (0.02%) loss whereas I am down $1371 (-12.96%). I am most successful playing Other ($-60 overall), and least successful playing Hold \’Em ($-1,311 overall). In terms of venues, I play best at Danang ($1,575 overall) and worst at Ultimate Bet ($-3,008 overall). I have been averaging 9h 22m of poker a week, or 8.36% of my waking hours (assuming I sleep eight a night).
UPDATE: At least one reader requested a less meaningful more detailed recap of the last BF home game session. So in a nutshell …
Tim -900
Sang +500
Dan +485
Fawcett happy drinker, but 4 cards eventually lodged in the ceiling molding
Celeste + a couple/triple hundy
Todd busted nut early, called it a night
Thum no show (uncool)
Capasso no show (but googled by of Fawcett)
Sommer won a little
Aaron issued bench press challenge to Fawcett
Shane non-factor + tequila
9-2 got played and shown no fewer than 142 times.
Dinner chips and twinkies