Jennicide Up For Las Vegas Weekly’s Beauty Contest

I have no problem admitting I use Myspace. It would be ridicerous (did I just say ridicerous?) to pretend I were too cool or that I were only there for business reasons, like I said in the first sentence of this small paragraph…I use Myspace.

So last night when I checked my email, added some goofy photos, looked at other\’s profiles and lost track of time in the deep dark hole of the networking giant I came across Jennicide\’s Bulletin:

Vote for me in Las Vegas Weekly\’s Beautiful Person Contest!!

Hi Everyone! I\’m back in Delaware visiting my family and friends for a bit, but I\’ve been selected to be in Las Vegas Weekly\’s Beautiful Person contest for the week. Click the link below and vote!
VOTE HERE! Las Vegas Weekly\’s Beautiful Person Contest
(You don\’t HAVE to vote for me, my competitor is a hottie too, but I\’d appreciate the support!!)

This competition brought to mind an old poem I wrote back at the 2007 WSOP:

Hey Jen

Where have you been?

You went missing at the World Series

Costing you a potential big win!

Jennifer and I had a chance to reunite outside the Amazon room at the beginning of the WSOP this year. While she and I were visiting, a young drunk (early twenties) guy started hitting on Jen and it soon became a typical moment when he learned we were there as players. He probably spent ten dollars on cocktails, fifty-five on a new shirt, spent zero to approach a pretty girl but asking Jennicide if she ever played online poker was priceless. Even more I liked playing stupid when I asked her \”oh-my-gosh, you play online poker? I didn\’t know you played online.

Good luck Jen, maybe this will be a win. But seriously, where have you been?

Now scroll down for Tom\’s serious post.