The 2007 WSOP Media Award Goes To…

Just before reaching the Amazon room the carpet turns to marble and suddenly one is faced with an option straight ahead – food and poker, turn to the left – poker and poker sweatshirts and juuuuust right…the media room.

Every morning I made the right choice of the media room to set up shop and claim my spot. I can only wonder if everyone else had the same thoughts during the long haul of the hallway. Will there be a stranger in my seat? Will I be able to get a seat? Has someone eaten the last chocolate croissant?
These questions would remain unanswered if you didn’t posses the goods (a media badge) to pass through security (at least the first and last week of the 2007 WSOP).

Gary, seen holding an ice cream cone in photo, said it was mostly because he gave him the knuckle thing. What is that hand thing called? You know, the one that’s like a high five/hand shake but avoids germs by just touching knuckles?

Congratulations Gary! You made John\’s job enjoyable.