Perspectives Weekly

In this week\’s episode:

US / EU Deal has Serious Issues…

There are some in the European Union who are not at all happy with last week\’s announcement of a deal to compensation over the online gambling ban. In fact, it looks like the US may have even mislead the EU on what the deal was about

This could help our industry stay on life support a bit longer… and we\’re not dead yet!

Antigua gets $21 Million and Piracy Rights…

The World Trade Organization has decided to allow Antigua to recover $21 million in damages by violating US copyrighted products, just like the APCW predicted in November of 2006!

Antigua was asking for $3.4 billion, and the award is well below that. So can a measly $21 million make a difference at all? Maybe…

Germans Give EU the Finger…
Germany has decided to ban internet gambling as of January 1st, 2008. They say that they have to protect their monopoly, and they expect the EU Court of Justice to come after them… and they don\’t care.

Help Push J. Todd Over the Top!

I\’ve been nominated by the Casino Affiliate Programs for \”Best Overall Affiliate\” for 2007. Ain\’t that cool? But voting is getting down to the wire!

J. Todd has faithfully brought you Perspectives Weekly for over a year now, and never missed a week for vacation or sickness, and now all he asks of you is your vote!

Click the link below to visit the CAP Awards page, then scroll to the very bottom where it says \”Best Overall Affiliate\” and vote for \”Integrity\”… that\’s the handle J.Todd uses over there!