DALLAS–The charity tourney for Bea\’s Kids was Saturday night, and none other than your second-favorite host of Beyond the Table won it! No, I\’m not talking about Tom … In a field of 80-someodd players — most of whom had little or no experience — Karridy took down first prize, winning a 52-inch HDTV for his efforts and charitable donation(s). Nice!
His victory was extra impressive not just because at one point he was the chip leader at the final table with an M=4, but also because he played taking a note from Gentle Shane and acted the whole time as if this were his very first time playing poker. \”For a second there I thought that was Jamie Gold,\” said one of his more knowledgeable competitors.
Even if Karridy hadn\’t won it — along with my $20 in our lasts-longest bet — this was still a great event. Kudos to tourney organizers for kicking it old-school and insisting on giving non-raffle prizes to the winners, and to Eddie Deen\’s for not letting legally questionable threats from anti-poker forces get in the way of raising money for a good cause.