Charles in Fort Worth writes in wanting to know how to donk off his bankroll without chasing straights and flushes:
Hi Dan,
I have an idea for a sports bet and since you are my connection to the world of gambling I thought you could give me some help on who and how to place it.
I want to place a $500 bet on Tiger Woods breaking the record for the most majors won. He currently has 13 and needs 6 more to break the record. I want to bet $500 on him breaking the record within the next 8 and 10 majors. Who could I contact to get the odds and place the bet with. Please let me know what you can find out or where I can go to make the bet. Thanks
Chuck, thanks for writing in. I\’m not much of a sports-bettor, so I don\’t know this stuff intimately. However, I have walked through a lot of sports books recently, and they definitely are offering pages of just Tiger Woods-related bets. BTW, I think if you send me an email, wire me some money via PayPal, and I make the bet, that\’s a crime.
Not positive … nor sure where the crime would be committed if I happened to relay some information about your betting options, and then I happened to make a bet in the amount of, say, $500, and then next time we saw each other you gave me a \”gift\” of $500 … but at least one Las Vegas policeman didn\’t buy my \”Sorry-sorry, I\’m from out of town\” explanation when I ran through a red no-turn light a couple weeks ago.
I did notice that at Mandalay Bay, where they definitely had Tiger Woods-specific betting lines, they apparently take mail-in bets. I also know that the Las Vegas Hilton (which also has pay-by-mail) and the Palms have two of the more creative bookmakers in town. So those two places are probably good for lookin\’-up, too.