It was indeed another undercover narcotics investigation followed by a paramilitary SWAT-team incursion:
Hurst police said they found two dozen people inside the home, which had tables, dealers and even a banker, and was set up to look like Las Vegas.
You know, Pokerati used to defend the police for just doing their jobs, and reminding poker players of that. But c\’mon … SWAT teams? That\’s so 2006. When you want to shut down a game next time … here\’s a hint … try just knocking on the door(s). I know I know … I\’m just a blogger and don\’t understand police operations — so maybe you can explain to me how, using knowledge gained from your undercover, a knock on the door combined with a marked squad car in the driveway wouldn\’t stop any poker crimes from being committed.
In fact, I\’ll even give you the answer to this question: \”Uh, duh, Mr. Know-it-All, because then there would be no money to confiscate for us to put toward other poker raids/the police \”petty cash\” fund.\”
And while we\’re bitchin\’ about the money … yo local news media … when \”dozens\” of players gather with a sum total of a few thousand dollars … since you\’re not going to really follow the money to look into what police are really up to with it, at least do the math and realize that this is not \”high stakes.\” You should be journalistically ashamed of yourselves for being so careless/sensational with your word choice.
For the rest of you, check out the comments on the Channel 5 story. At the time of this posting, they\’re running 11-1 in favor of poker and against the police:
marty McFly
Fort Worth, TX
they should just make gambling legal in texas
Fort Worth, TX
To use the taxpayers dollars to raid a card room where honest hard working are enjoying themselves on a Friday night is unbelieveable. Are they aware that poker is not gambling but a skill. It is worlds apart from pulling a laver on a slot machine. What a joke.
Fort Worth, TX
And why does Hurst have a swat team anyway? To patrol the Abuelo\’s parking lot?
What a Crime
Bedford, TX
Cooper and Catalytic Converter theft on the rise. Even gas theft on the rise. These are the things Police need to focus on, since they can\’t seem to catch anyone doing it.
Dallas, TX
Oh thanks Hurst police department I feel so much safer now. This is a joke. They were gambling with their own money in privacy.
Grand Prairie, TX
I keep seeing all these poker raids in the news, All you here is they seize thousands of dollars in cash. Lets get real, are they seizing $2,000, or $80,000. The real question I have is How much does it cost to exucute one of these raids. I mean swat team, police, undercover narcotics unit. Maybe you can look into that.
Irving, TX
I would hope this type of energy rush could be reserved for, oh I don\’t know, violent criminals and predators.
The Id
Plano, TX
and they were hurting who?
Fort Worth, TX
Let me see if I\’v got this right.( high stakes Las Vegas style poker game busted ) Sorry. my side hurts from laughing…… Swat team, Narcotics unit, under cover…
swat team had nothing to do.
Narcotics unit can\’t seem to do what they are paid for.( catch dope dealers )
And the under cover guy, Yes Sr. I think I know who you are.
It\’s a damn shame the working stiff guy can\’t enjoy himself as to playing a little nickel and dime poker without being F with like that. I play alot of poker in Dallas and Ft. Worth. And yes, with police and fire fighters from every area………Guess I need to go to jail. Or at least get a ticket. Then again, maybe I should just start to play bingo.
The Id
Plano, TX
Did they also have the NSA zoom in the \”Las Vegas style\” house with their surveillance satellites to get a clear entry point and have snipers ready to fire if anyone tried to escape?what a waste of tax-payers money
big bad John
North Richland Hills, TX
Micheal wrote:To use the taxpayers dollars to raid a card room where honest hard working are enjoying themselves on a Friday night is unbelieveable. Are they aware that poker is not gambling but a skill. It is worlds apart from pulling a laver on a slot machine. What a joke.
My dear fellow stupid people all I ever hear nowdays is the police does this are that. The fact is they were doing there job and doing what they were told. Yes they have other certain units that go after the hard core crimnals. You trashy people get so mad when police officer,s are only doing there job. So shut up and stop your whinning and stop blaming the police department for doing there jobs you self rude moron.
Bedford, TX
Ive worked and played @ many local rooms, no harm is done. People that think this is wrong are the ones who want taxes or their cut some way out of the earnings. Most of these players and employees are just killing time and having fun!!!! Life is so stressful, gas prices are getting higher everyday, most of us work 40 hours plus a week. Just leave us alone no harm is being done. Cant people just mind their own business now days, they seem to when they see a real crime!!!!!!!!!!