Joel the MySpace Friend / Account Exec in Dallas writes in inquiring about a possible career change:
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From: \”Joel\”
Date: May 5, 2008 2:02 PMHow are things? How is Vegas? I might be moving out there at the end of the Summer to play poker professionally. Cash games and tourneys. Any advice, suggestions or best games you are finding out there? Any tips would help. Thanks!
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From: Pokerati
Date: May 6, 2008 10:05 AMIndeed, you could do very well out here if you are properly bankrolled.
I haven\’t played the 5-10 games, so i don\’t know them well, but i think they aren\’t that different from the big 2-5s here, which are beatable and ALMOST a viable way for a player like yourself to make $1k-$2k a week on.
At 5-10, I suspect the difference is you can expect about 1.5 more good players per table.
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From: \”Joel\”
Date: May 6, 2008 11:06 AMYeah, I have about 125K I could take out there. I am single, with no kids, so I have that flexibility too. I do own a house, for about 5 yrs now and have about $50,000 in equity built up. I make $70,000 per year at my current job, so I would be risking that of course. If I hated my job or got fired, I would give it a shot for sure! I have even thought about buying a retail, fast food type of franchise to provide me with a stable income flow while I played poker out there. I could get a small business loan to pay for it. I have talked to other people who live in Vegas and they suggest having another income stream if you want to play poker for a living. Very wise I think. I could just hire a manager to run the store I purchase, thus would free up more time for me to play poker. Thoughts?
Joel, I think you are clearly asking the wrong guy. I recommend calling Suze Orman and asking her about your plan. If you want to know how to make $1.88/hr at the tables, then I can speak more authoritatively. However, all your numbers make sense-ish, and I\’ve seen you play just fine. Question though:
How much of that 125k was built playing poker? The answer to that will be very telling, at least about maybe what games you should be eying when/if you should start.
As to running a fast-food joint … I dunno if that\’s the best alternate income. I think it\’s not the easiest business from the start, and I suspect the Carls Jr. and In-n-Out gangs who control the drive-thru burger market here might make it even rougher on you.
Have you considered blogging, or taking the whole wad and betting it on red?