I just got chased out of the playing area for the first time — something about that 13-table rule. Though I question its validity, I chose not to make a stink of it at this time and retreated. Will leave the shooting-your-face-to-spite-your-nose to Gonz.
Meanwhile Troy (Darling) is playing $10/$25 PLO at the Rio with Eskimo Clark. Batface is currently up more than $10k. Latest text: \”quads again.\”
UPDATE: The bubble has burst, and Eric Celeste (Tulsa) has survived. So has Brasilian media sweetheart Miradu … who was down to 1.5 big blinds.
UPDATE: They\’re on break. Tulsa\’s got 33k in chips … makes him pretty close to a short stack, but not terribly desperately so. We\’ll try to keep you posted via Citizen Stack Reporter (beta), but are running into some Blackberry proper
Meanwhile, Darling has very few chips left on the 10/25 PLO cash table … not because he is losing, but because he has pretty much only stacks of 100s in front of him. 30ish k, it seems.
UPDATE: Tulsa has pooed and feels much better. He\’s guaranteed a net +$3,381. Final table would be about $45k, and the winner will bank half a mil.