Boo St. Louis! Hang on Dallas (Online) Poker!

We\’re down to 11 players — 1 table of 6, another of 5 — and the smallest stack on either of the tables is has roughly 35 big blinds. Yeow, holy shit, like everyone\’s exhausted, setting over-unders on how late things are gonna go … various summer WSOP work-camp flings are bidding their farewells (have seen smiles, kisses, and tears in the past couple hours) … and yet when it comes to the poker proper, there\’s conceivably some amazing poker being played!

It\’s a matter of skill at this point, hardly luck. And Dallas boy Craig Marquis is sitting in 9th chip position with nearly 10 million chips — just shy of a 12mm avg. stack. (Blind are at 120k/240k +30k.)

UPDATE: We\’re down to 10 — a player named Joe Bishop just had a meltdown. He was about 3mm ahead of Marquis when he lost a legitimate poker hand: AQ … flopped a queen, but didn\’t improve against the short-stack\’s kings. No biggie … he still had plenty of chips, but pushed in on the very next hand (with 78s) and lost, and then again with the very next hand (A-3o) and lost again. Goodbye, adios, and thank you for providing us a memorable example of acute tilt.