Update on SuperVisor

Ok. First blind, no luck.  Down to 14k.  2nd blind got blinded down to 10k in first 90 minutes and finally caught a hand to pick up a few thousand, then played 8s from middle position, big stack bully calls my 900 bring in and I put him on an a high pair.  Flop is crap low 6 high with 2 diamonds.  I check and he bets 2k.  I call, turn, turn pairs the 3, I check, he bets 3k.  I call.  River is a Jack of diamonds showing a flush.  I bet 2k into him and he eventually folded a high pair.  I show my 8s as I rake.  Won a few thousand more to end blind at 28k.

Third blind not good.  Ended with 18k with a small recovery after AK suited hurt me 2x.  First time I re-raise to 1800 from the 900 into me.  I\’m on the button.  Flop is 7,9,10 rainbow. I\’ve got the guy on an overpair.  He checks.  I position bet to represent my supposed bigger overpair.  He calls.  Turn is a 6 of hearts so I now have nut flush draw.  We both check.  River is an 8 so there is a straight on the board.  He eventually bets 5k, is he stealing the pot?  My gut says he has pocket Js but I don\’t listen in spite of that exact advice having been given to me in an email this morning.  He has \’em.  I got 15k now.  Got back to 22k with a couple hands, then get AK hearts under the gun.  I limp, get a raise to 900, I call, flop is K, 8, 3 with 2 hearts.  I check. He bets 2k.  I re-raise 3k more.  He goes all in for 14k more.  This time I heed my gut.  I kind of put him on AA preflop as he was in middle position.  Figure best case is we have same hand.  I fold.  He didn\’t show but pretty sure I made a good laydown there.  Back to 15k.  Picked up a small pot before we broke.  At 18k.  Time to eat.