Was there a poker robbery in Dallas last night — or perhaps talk around some tables about an old one?
Not trying to start anything, rumor or otherwise … I just happened to notice a few visitors coming to us via Google searches overnight for \”dallas poker robbery\”. Not to give my secrets away, but monitoring Google traffic isn\’t too different from the way night-shift journos used to listen to police radios back in the newspaper day … and when I\’ve noticed a quick surge in such searches before (or more commonly, \”dallas poker room raided\”) it usually meant something was up. But other than this \”hunch\” I\’ve got nothing.
UPDATE: Oh, dude, I recognize exactly where this is! One of the best and biggest games kinda-sorta but not really in Dallas. Have played there a handful of times, and always enjoyed the action. Interestingly enough, both cops and robbers have been here before. This was the place where the guys who just might be the Dallas Poker Bandits got their start …
It was a totally botched robbery about two years ago … where one (Michalski-trained) lovely boisterous lady dealer crawled inside a garbage bag to hide during the commotion. (We didn\’t teach that in Lodge amateur dealer class, of course, but I applaud her creative thinking in the face of bad guys with guns.) I forget why the police were there like six months ago, but they did a walk-through and play was hardly halted. Then sometime earlier this summer (or maybe spring?) some robbers did show up and again were thwarted!
Previous to that I had been hearing from someone who supposedly had an inside connection with a cop that people might want to steer clear of this game because the Dallas police were finally all over it and just waiting for the right moment bust in and take it down.