One of the guys playing The River today yesterday is/was ItsOverJonny — not sure how he\’s doing or how anyone\’s doing … don\’t think they have phones yet in Oklahoma … but regardless, if you\’re not reading IOJ, well I\’m not gonna say you should be, because, hey, we\’re all busy people. But think Gary Carson, only more bitter and jaded. Good stuff, as you could imagine.
Though Jonny did play in the big $2k event yesterday, he wasn\’t exactly happy with the WinStar crew after playing in a $500 event — and he spells it out, plain as day, what beefs he has with their dealers. Though I suspect the WinStar may poo-poo his free-of-charge poker room consultation because who cares when you\’re making so much damn money these days, I can attest that he definitely knows a thing or two about how good games are supposed to run, and just about any poker room management should wanna use his post as a litmus test for what their dealer crew should and shouldn\’t do. Some highlights from his blog:
Jonny played in Winstar\’s $500+50 today. 61 players. Same shitty Winstar structure. Dealers were fucking horrible, and between dealers fucking everything up, maddening noise from all directions, and idiot clowndick players, I was tilting beyond belief, even though I hadn\’t hardly played a hand for a while at the time. Seriously – where do they get these retard dealers that they stick in the tournaments? It\’s not like it\’s a $60 nightly tournament – it was $550 – get some dealers that can run a table without making repeated stupid mistakes, and then giving me attitude when I correct them until they finally figured out that they had indeed made a mistake. Your job consists of the most basic of math, making a little change, and distribution of cards. How do you manage to fuck that up?
In one hand our dealer stopped-down the entire table (in the middle of a hand where there had already been an all-in and a call) to argue with the same dealers and a floorman over when her next break was. We each paid $550 to play this tournament, you ignorant CUNT. At least have the common courtesy to finish the hand you are on before going to war over your next break
… for the record, yes, Winstar has some excellent dealers. I just didn\’t see a single fucking one of them today.
I REALLY don\’t want to play the Main Event this week. Maybe I\’ll be in a better mood on Sunday.
Anyway, FUCK Winstar, FUCK Winstar\’s dealers (excluding the good ones), FUCK Winstar\’s players, FUCK any and all Vinyl Goddamn Casinos, and FUCK and the entire Toothless Republic of Oklahoma. I think that covers most of it.
LOL! Anger is so damn funny.