From G’s to Poker: Tuesday Night Line-up

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video must be worth 1,000². Since ESPN is being cool with their vids, I certainly have no problem pimping their pimpage of tonight\’s WSOP episode.

OK, I\’m excited. If the Scotty Nguyen episodes did anything, they did make coverage of the action that\’s already been covered a little more Must-See TV. Can\’t wait to see what semi-real storyline they concoct!

My only dilemma now, because of timing overlap, is choosing between the World Series and watching the newest episode of From G\’s to Gents, where they\’re down to five players! Go Creepa!

UPDATE: Oh, right … and also the Republican National Convention. Tonight\’s Politics after Dark stand-n-go lineup includes: George Bush, Laura Bush, Joe Lieberman, Fred Thompson, John Boehner, Michele Bachmann, Mike Duncan, and Jo Ann Davidson.

Hmm, tough call — but without Sarah Palin speaking tonight, I think Scotty Nguyen and Creepa have the edge.

ALT HED: Gs or Poker > GOP?