WSOPeople: Peter Eastgate & the Case Six

Courtesy of PokerStars blog

Wow! It was an all-in moment, good instinct moment, and big whoop-tee-doo all in one.

Eastgate made the initial raise, and short-stacked Montgomery pushed all-in from the small blind. Eastgate called with pocket sixes, and Montgomery showed A-3 of diamonds.

Flop: Ac-Qs-4d
Ace for Montgomery gives him the advantage.

Turn: As
Trips are even better for Montgomery. And according to Jack Effel, Phillips folded a six, so there was only one out for the Scandi…

River: 6d
Oh yeah, the case six. The miracle six. The one-outer. Bam!

Montgomery left in fifth place with a little over $3 millie, and Eastgate jumps into a tight second position on the leaderboard. And Eastgate kept all of us in the media from falling asleep in our after-dinner comas. Thanks, Peter!