Justin Shronk Scholarship Created

From the PokerRoad forum:

Dear PokerRoad Community,

As many of you know, my cousin Justin Shronk passed away unexpectedly in April of this year. He was a 2005 graduate of the School of Communications and Theater at Temple University in Philadelphia, PA, and was following his dream of a career in the media industry. He greatly enjoyed his work as producer of PokerRoad Radio. His experience there was made all the better by the opportunity to interact with you, members of the PokerRoad community.

After his passing, many of you had expressed interest in honoring Justin is some way, and so I wanted to share the news with you that a permanent, endowed scholarship fund has been created in Justin’s memory at the School of Communications and Theater. Endowed scholarships exist in perpetuity, and we are grateful to be able to pay tribute to Justin’s life and career in this way.

The Justin Shronk Scholarship will provide scholarship support for students majoring in Broadcasting, Telecommunications and Mass Media within the School of Communications and Theater, which was Justin’s major as a student. Students must have financial need, and we have asked that there be a preference for a student who has one parent who is deceased. As you might know, Justin’s father passed away while he was a student at Temple. It was a challenging time for him, and we wanted to recognize the difficulties that other students face in similar situations.

We have also asked that the recipient of the scholarship exemplify some of the same characteristics that Justin exhibited during his life an absolute passion for everything media, a great wit and sense of humor, loyalty in his friendships, and someone who would take a job for less money to be able to do the work that he loved.

If you would be interested in making a contribution to be added to the endowment, you may do so by mailing a check to the attention of:

Ashley Lomery, Director of Development and Alumni Relations
School of Communications and Theater
Temple University
1938 Liacouras Walk, 2nd Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19122

You may also call Ashley to make a credit card gift by phone. Her number is 215.204.1384. Gifts can also be made online at: myowlspace.com/makeagift. At the drop down menu, please select: School of Communications and Theater, Other, then fill in Justin Shronk Memorial Scholarship.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly by email at bslemke37@hotmail.com You may also contact Ashley Lomery at 215.204.1384 or ashley.lomery@temple.edu. All gifts to the Justin Shronk Scholarship Fund are fully tax-deductible, and a receipt for tax purposes will be sent to you by Temple University.

Every gift made to the endowment will increase the amount available to award to students, allowing them to follow their dreams as Justin did.

I, along with Justin’s mother Kim, sister Courtney, and all of his family and friends, greatly appreciate your consideration of making a gift to support this scholarship fund in his name. I also want to extend special thanks to Robert Gauss, member of the PokerRoad Community, for helping to launch this effort.

Brian Lemke