Level 38 Overview


  • Dan Michalski (0-1-0): He paid for a rookie reporter\’s meal. The act of kindness is noted here.
  • Michael Mizrachi (3-0-0): I swear I\’m not pulling for Mizrachi and this is not a bias, but he is owning that hard right now. He finally exorcised the Candio demon by 4-betting Candio after he got three bet again. That, and he\’s crossed the 60 million chip mark, something not seen since the beginning of the day with Duhamel.
  • Jonathan Duhamel (1-0-2): After spending some time with the plebes, he had the chip lead for a little bit and remains on the high end of the pack.
  • Joseph Cheong (1-0-2): Cheong has this habit of through some sort of mind-reading find out I\’m gonna drop him to the loser column, then he does something amazing. His elimination of Jason Senti puts back in good position.


  • Filippo Candio (0-1-2): Just as much as I don\’t mean to champion Mizrachi, I don\’t mean to throw Candio under the bus. His play is getting more and more spastic, and he\’s bluffing way too much. Still, in spite of that reputation, he\’s still in the hunt.
  • Jason Senti (2-0-1): He had 9 lives. He could not be killed. Unfortunately, Joesph Cheong ended that thought with a rivered straight. Senti would have been on the loser column if he had still be in the tournament at this point, but I\’m not gonna lie, his fans have been amongst the most vocal, and he was a class act. He did the best he could rocking the short stack for over 9 hours. Congrats on the 7th place finish Jason!


  • John Dolan (1-2-0): Not only should anyone under 20BBs be automatically in this zone, but I\’m starting to forget Dolan is even there. Do something! (if you have cards or think you can bluff of course)
  • John Racener (0-1-2): Gotta drop you for not doing much other than ship chips off to other players.

Interesting Notes

  • The play has gotten more involved after the dinner break, and with three people in the 20m range going into 500k/1m blinds, expect some fireworks in the next level.
  • Senti\’s river loss is probably giving ESPN orgasms. There have been so many good TV hands its unreal.