November 9 Linkage

November 9:

  • Photos can tell a story better than words can, and the guys over at Greasie Wheels are doing a great job with the official WSOP photo blog. (WSOP Photo Blog)
  • The guys over at Wicked Chops feel that John Dolan was a disappointment and try to cheer everyone up with some Cheech and Chong. (Wicker Chops)
  • Couple more Tao of Pokerati podcast have hit the air, the November 9 WSOPharmie Report has arrived and a quieter version titled Shhhhh! is here.
  • When did the first chopped pot happen on the final table? Find out via the next Bluff update. (Bluff)
  • Still have not been able to find a video of the bust-out interview for John Dolan, but the staff over at PokerNewsDaily have a nice writeup and it seems that Dolan was just a jovial as Senti as he was heading out to collect his money. (PokerNewsDaily)