WPT® Texas Hold ‘Em Poker Game on Facebook® Offers Fans the Chance to Set Sail

Hands-On Entertainment, an award-winning entertainment company that develops and publishes social and mobile games, today announced it is offering fans of its WPT® Texas Hold ‘Em Poker game on Facebook a chance at winning a 7-Day Exotic Eastern Caribbean Cruise hosted by the WPT Amateur Poker League. The cruise will take passengers to the Bahamas, U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, and Grand Turk from September 25th – October 2nd, 2011.

“We continue to provide our players with great opportunities to advance their poker skills in a fun, unique environment and are committed to delivering the best prizes around”

The prize package includes a balcony cabin for two (port fees, taxes, and gratuities included); complimentary tickets to the “WPTAPL™ Members Party” with hors d’oeuvres and drinks provided; one entry to a $500 free-roll tournament; $1,000 spending cash; a “4 of a Kind” poker package featuring four daily raffle tickets for a chance at poker items; a “single table preparation” session with Nick Brancato from WPT Boot Camp; a WPT Boot Camp raffle ticket for a chance to win a private session with a pro; and a 2011 WPTAPL cruise t-shirt.

The WPTAPL Cruise features include cash poker games with dealers, poker tournaments with buy-ins starting at $30, $500 free-roll tournaments for all group participants and a main event tournament featuring a $220 buy-in. The cruise departs from Miami, FL on the Carnival “Valor” and meals are included.

To enter for a chance to win, players of WPT® Texas Hold ‘Em Poker on Facebook may purchase any poker chip package* during the promotion period, which runs from May 23rd – June 6th.

We continue to provide our players with great opportunities to advance their poker skills in a fun, unique environment and are committed to delivering the best prizes around,” said David McCaman, VP of Marketing for Hands-On Entertainment. “Partnering with the WPT Amateur Poker League allows fans of the WPT Texas Hold ‘Em Poker game on Facebook to turn their online play into an unforgettable live-event experience.