The Real Skinny on the Future of High Stakes Poker

Despite previous reports suggesting the possibility of otherwise …

High Stakes Poker is not moving to the Golden Nugget — and it hasn\’t yet been renewed for a new season. At least not for now on paper in any way. This comes from a well-informed higher-up involved with Poker PROductions — the company that produces both High Stakes Poker and Poker after Dark.

To be clear, HSP has not been canceled … it just hasn\’t been renewed yet. You know, fine line, kinda like \”collateral damage\”/\”mass slaughter\”. However, hold your breaths, HSP fans … because supposedly a more official announcement about the show\’s renewal or lack thereof is coming, in about a week-and-a-half. From whom — GSN, NBC, HSP, Poker PROductions — we\’re not so sure.

Where GSN\’s relationship with the World Poker Tour fits into all this also is unclear — but obviously a relevant component.

But for now, Poker after Dark is definitely back on … rumored to have a cash game component, too … and will be moving from South Point Casino to the Golden Nugget. But that\’s the least surprising, since this show is really a Full Tilt time-buy/infomercial with no reason to go away.

Rebuy! High Stakes Poker Back in Action? (6/8/08)
High Stakes Poker Canceled? (5/13/08)