
A few tibbits for your poker day:

NASCAR champion TONY STEWART really likes poker.

POKER TV NETWORK is about to undergo another name change … having been bought up/absorbed/merged with PC Universe. (Congrats, Eric R., right?)

MATT SAVAGE has taken yet another presumably sweet gig … this one with the Showdown Poker Tour. We can only hope this doesn\’t mean more one-card-at-a-time floppage.

Not sure why, but I always get excited when I see a poker column in a newspaper sports page. Outside of PHILADELPHIA they\’ve got the ANN LANDERS of poker.

In the blogosphere, EASYCURE looks a little deeper at the most vigorously anti-poker law in Washington. Even the generally non-political FELICIA LEE weighs in on the matter — informing her readers that this is anything but a traditional liberal vs. conservative issue.

Meanwhile, STUDIOGLYPHIC is switching teams to WORDPRESS, too. All we can say from the (still under construction) new Pokerati is \”good move!\” and lots of programmy fun, I am sure.

Speaking of quality bloggage, BILL RINI is doing another CARNIVAL OF POKER — where he attempts to find some of the best internetty words about poker out there. Submit your entries now.

And not sure why this is news, but \”Tulsa man places 19th\” in the SCOTTY NGUYEN Poker Challenge in OKLAHOMA. JOE KUSTER from Arlington took 2nd place.