Political WTF in Texas?

Bad river card on its way?

Jose Menendez (D-San Antonio), do we even know you anymore? Supposedly Gov. Rick Perry has re-re-changed his position … and so now Menendez is going to not even let the House have their vote? I honestly just don\’t understand. We weren\’t getting out of that damn calendars committee without his tacit thumbs-up. We got that, no? But now it\’s gone? And even if so … why not force him to veto it … put his political aspirations on the line with international press CardPlayer Italia watching?

I know I\’m just the political sophomore rookie here, but would he really be willing to go against more than 2/3 of the general voting populace?

With all these last-minute changes and unusual moves … someone is clearly on tilt here. Our opponents (texansagainstgambling.org) launched an all-out assault last night and are fighting har right nowo, so if you want to send any emails — even Jose himself might need a reminder of what we\’re here for and who he\’s supposed to be representing

I\’m going to add rick.perry@governor.state.tx.us to my CC … just by chance that gets to him more directly.