Bad Flop Alert

I should be working (or cleaning) right now … but instead I am watching Full Tilt Pro Showdown — an awesome live-tourney/infomercial. Seven Full Tilt pros … competing for a $1 million prize pool. (With four left and three to get paid, Clonie\’s the chip leader .. and her hair looks GREAT!) I love watching \”live\” poker! Who knew seeing pros fold mediocre hands could be so invigorating?

But two things are confusing me … one is the buy-in. I think it\’s a freeroll for the Full Tilt players … but Howard Lederer (the announcer) keeps referencing some $120,000. But that would just be too big! Surely he\’s referring to the third-place payout, right? (Nope, they just said third place \”gets their nut back.\” Can\’t be … just can\’t … but what is Full Tilt trying to convince us of here?)

The second thing is the flop … yet another poker event on TV with the first three cards being revealed one at a time. Looks like Matt Savage is the tourney director, which would mean they are probably using those computer-coded cards again, which require singular flopping. Either way … this live broadcast is a sign that poker continues to change.