More on Charles Humphrey

OK, so all I really know is that it was a lawyer from Colorado that made trouble for Texas poker. No real clue if it was the same lawyer. But seriously, how many gambling lawyers in Colorado want to spend their time trying to shut down charity events in Texas and/or panning for a judicial jackpot based on laws written prior to the birth of George Washinton?

Regardless, I found a little more on Charles Humphrey, and I think some of the commenters may be right — he might be \”good,\” filing lawsuits to make a \”point.\”

Still not sure, but not sure it matters — whatever side he\’s on, his semi-ridiculous claims should help poker at least a little bit, because they are so ridiculous. Here\’s his take on whether online poker is a game of skill or chance.

Mr Humphrey clearly knows his gambling laws … so he may well know better than anyone else how ridiculous they are. Or he could be a holy roller eager to save the world from damnation. I find it interesting that in his claim, he points out to the state that they could get half the money from these allegedly ill-gotten gambling gains. So in a way, he\’s making the same pitch the poker people are making … hey, government, you can get rich off of gambling, too!

\”Our side\” is saying, hey gov, let us gamble and you can make money. His side is saying, hey gov, let\’s prohibit gambling, and we can take down pretty much the same pot. It\’s scary that this could be a tempting argument to legislators looking to wave the family values flag. Or it might be a sign that pro-poker forces might consider a different tactic.