RE: Soap Opera Poker / Leftover Email

That reminds me … I got an email a month-and-a-half ago — when the WSOP main event was really kickin\’ — that I have been meaning to reply to post and make fun of:

—–Original Message—–
Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2006 5:22 AM
To: danm
Subject: one question about one person at wsop

Hey, I was reading at your site etc and noticed that you had written something about Chantel McNulty. You dont happend to know how I could get hold of Chantel, like her e-mail, msn or something. I met her at the WSOP and talked a bit and would like to get in touch with her again since I kinda \”lost\” her while playing the ME after she got knocked out and I was still in, although i got also knocked out later that night. Anyways, thanks in advance.

ALT HED: Umm, Stalkerati?