The current issue of Bluff has an enlightening article on poker-chip germs. This is definitely a topic all poker players should consider. I have long wanted to educate the public on poker-table health hazards, but made an immature assumption it would be brushed off as an overzealous woman thing.
I am going to share with you something very personal and private two years ago in band camp I noticed a small bump on my finger. Unfamiliar with skin disorders I was astonished to learn from my doctor that not only had I a WART, but also he was convinced it was from playing poker. He said, when you are playing poker you should be sanitizing your hands every half hour. (You will be happy to know I eliminated my new little jackpot with one zap from a laser.)
This experience made me aware of just how many players at the tables — a lot of them — have warts on their hands. I then began to watch with amazement at how many players would ruffle poker chips then lean over to eat potato chips. Should I mention licking their fingers afterwards? Sorry if I grossed you out with this. I hope you still love me, warts and all.