Where in the World is Dan?

For those of you not on MySpace (who are you?), here’s a bulletin that I spotted tonight from one Pokerati Dan.

Swagalicious! Yard Sale Tomorrow (Dallas)

Hi Friends,

As you may or may not know, I am moving to Las Vegas … and like the implosion of the Kingdome, Danang, the legendary Batface home game venue, is closing.

Thus now is the time to get rid of too many years of accumulated shizznit. I\’ll be having a yard sale tomorrow, Saturday, at 4906 Victor St., Dallas, 75214. Please stop by if you\’d like to rummage through my life and take home a little piece of it for pennies on the dollar.

Some of the items for sale include:

Pachinko Machine
Copag Cards
Kem Cards
Crappy non-Kem/Copag Cards
Picture Frames
Cofffee Tables
Coffee Makers
A Corduroy Suit
Pleather Recliner
File Cabinets
Old Modems
Greg Raymer Bobblehead
Ridiculous amounts of Full Tilt paraphernalia
Foos Ball Table

Ahh, good times at La Casa de Dan y Sang. By the way, I\’m also looking for a little help moving the big items to the front yard before East Dallas\’ vast legally questionable (but politically palpable) immigrant population descends at sunrise. So if you happen to be in the neighborhood around 5 a.m., please stop by!

In appreciation, you will be welcome to the liquor of your choice from all the bottles that didn\’t fit on the moving truck today. That\’s not a joke — we really have lots of leftover booze … leave no vodka behind!

P.S. The porn belonged to Sang, too, in case that makes a difference.

This explains quite a bit Dan’s virtual absence from Pokerati over the past week, his error-filled post about Tom Schneider, and Full Tilt’s ad on Craigslist for missing paraphernalia. Just one request if you’re reading this, Dan Please post a photo of yourself in the corduroy suit.