Putting the expose in exposition

Concurrently with the start of the W-S-of-P Main Event we have the annual Poker Gaming & Lifestyle Expo, where vendors hawk their magazines, instructional services, card covers and testosterone boosters.

Speaking of a boost, at the Gamma what-you-ma-call-it testosterone booth, a guy was painting a topless girl in green paint. Before you fellows get too excited I think there was probably something covering her particularly private parts and I didn\’t have my camera on me at the time of the artistic endeavor. So sorry, no photos.

Today, Doyle Brunson, Chris Moneymaker and Johnny Chan were among the former world champions signing autographs. I also saw the nearly invisible \”Shadow\” at the All-In energy drink booth. Jerry Yang and I met in Tunica back in January and we featured him in this month\’s issue of Rounder Magazine. (Shameless other employer plug here: Come get your photos taken with the Rounder Girls at our booth! We also have free magazines and caps for sale!) Yang and I exchanged pleasantries. He begins his title defense on Sunday. I don\’t care what people say about his playing abilities or his goofy nickname, he is a very nice guy and there are far too few like him in poker.

Among the other interesting booths:

  • Skimply dressed girls funnelled beer and danced at the McFadden\’s pad. The Rio bar\’s booth also featured a beer pong table and free half glasses of Miller Lite
  • 2.11 Poker is some sort of new site with a hold\’em variation that includes only four board cards and is played as a high-low split with 7 qualifier. In other words, a WTF game…there is a website at www.211poker.com but I am not interested enough to visit it.
  • Near the exit there\’s a booth with plenty of local Vegas (what would my friend Tony P. call it? Oh yes, \”talent\”) talent hawking some new stylish poker clothing called KSino Style. Of course my roommate Ted stood there gawking until I dragged him to the exit.