It seems that David Benyamine is no longer a \”red\” pro at Full Tilt. According to several sites, Benyamine is still playing on FTP but no longer a paid pro. And in return, they\’re possibly working on a deal with Tom Dwan. According to not-so-reliable reports the forums, FTP is clearing the way for Dwan, better known online as \”drrrr,\” by asking someone else who just happens to be of the same name to relinquish his online name.
Nothing wrong with wanting Dwan on the list of pros, but dropping Benyamine doesn\’t exactly make sense, especially when glancing at the looooooong list of pros and finding more than a handful of unrecognizable names. For instance, take this guy.
Recognize him? Evidently, he\’s Greg Mascio, plays mixed games, and has a sponsorship deal with FTP.
Just not sure who\’s running this Full Tilt show. First, they call Clonie\’s bluff and get slapped with a $40 million lawsuit, and no matter their thoughts on winning-this-thing odds, is any publicity really good publicity? Second, their list of pros just doesn\’t make sense. Sure, their Team Full Tilt kids are top-of-the-line in most respects, but it seems strange that an in-charge someone wouldn\’t look at that list of a kazillion Full Tilt Pros and scratch a few to trim it up all nice and perty. But I\’m not making millions and running a successful online poker site, so what do I know? Would love to see something positive come from FTP in the coming months.