Mekhi Phifer Charity to Highlight WPT Invitational

Oh, the pure joy at seeing the news that Mekhi Phifer is teaming up with the WPT Invitational! Let the stalking begin! Once I was able to see past his name, I realized that the actual news is more than just his presence at the WPT Invitational.

Mekhi is teaming up with the WPT to benefit a charity for which he donates time as the chairman, The Vine Group USA, an organization that provides tools and assistance to academic institutions in English-speaking countries in Africa. And though money finishers at the WPT Invitational are allowed to play for their own charities, there is a new twist to make this year\’s event even more charity-focused. There will be $200 rebuys allowed during the first two hours of the tournament, 100% of which will be donated to The Vine Group USA.

\”The Vine Group USA is very pleased to partner with the World Poker Tour and Commerce Casino for the Invitational–this is an event that everyone loves to be a part of,\” said Mekhi Phifer, actor and Chairman, TVG Board of Trustees. \”Attendees will be able to have fun at the tables while learning about our organization and the important cause it supports.\”

Might have to interview him about that…in person…face to face…at the WPT Invitational cocktail hour on February 28 before the tournament begins.