Two Months. Two Million. (Almost) Two Thumbs Up.

Finally got around to watching the new G4 show, Two Months. Two Million, that premiered on Sunday night. To be honest, the preview with the Playboy bunnies made me anticipate a cringe-worthy half hour of programming, but my reaction to it was the opposite. I actually liked it! Granted, the \”chicks in bikinis\” episode will make me cringe, but Episode 1 was solid.

The guys were likable, as their geeky and awkward ways made them seem like they could be anyone\’s little brothers. Their attention to their online poker games was the focus of the episode (duh), and I thought it was explained well to a potentially non-poker-playing audience, complete with the emotions that come with losing/making money. Clearly, these guys have no concept of the meaning of money, but that adds the necessary aspect to the show to make it different. Ultimately, it will be ratings that equal success, so I\’m curious to see results.

Personally, I dig Chef Robert and hope he has a bigger part in upcoming episodes.