Tonight\’s semi-random collection of websites that have recently caught my eye for various reasons is brought to you by Suited Cribs — your 2011 WSOP housing hookup and VIP services connek!
OK, the links:
G2E Asia — the AGA brings its trade show to Macau, prepping Western gaming industry round-eyes for a new level of expansion in China and across Asia.
PokerGrump — an accidental low-stakes Vegas grinder, respected colleague on the license plate beat, and another guy I read often but don\’t link up enough … generally thoughtful insight, and fun \”guess the casino\” posts, though few are as hard as this one: — Mike Sexton, Linda Johnson, and Jan Fisher\’s philanthropic endeavor has undergone a website redesign as they continue efforts to make sure charity poker tournaments give back as much as possible.
DFW Gambler — don’t know who runs this site, but it kinda-sorta picks up where Pokerati left off upon skipping town, keeping the Dallas/Fort Worth poker scene up to date with solid, regularly updated info on local charity tourneys, big events in Oklahoma and Louisiana, and different free games — whether they be WPT Amateur Leagues or lesbian bar poker at Sue Ellen\’s. Bingo, too!
The Poker Life Coach — Jen Dunphy was once responsible for keeping Harrah\’s employees on their A-game, and now brings her motivational services to MGM Resorts. Not sure if she\’s more happy drill sergeant or corporate therapist … but for poker players needing to work on their life skills (she won\’t give up names of clients? Balls!) it seems she\’s no Sam Chauhan … but then again, she\’s also no Sam Chauhan.
Live Poker Training — Not sure if Shaun Deeb needs a life coach or just a mom. But either way, he\’s got a boot camp March 26-27 … for players wanting to learn how to win so much money it doesn\’t matter if you never learned to throw away pizza boxes or lift the toilet seat.
Zynga PokerCon 2011 — you know they are new to poker when they call their inaugural event Poker CON. But the best we can tell, even though the folks at Zynga supposedly have made millions without paying out any winners, they aren\’t the second coming of UB … but they could well be proof that recreational players are more valuable than online pros. And they\’ve hired me (along with Michele Lewis and BJ Nemeth) to tell you all about the Zynga version of BARGE — so already we think they\’re great, obv!
Allied Service
Suited Cribs — The guys to handle your WSOP housing needs, and all variety of poker services, from laundry runs and VIP transportation to nightclub line passes. Say you heard about them from Pokerati for a special surprise AND to have me personally check out your summertime Vegas rental to make sure the internet works and no pillows smell like urine.