That\’s two cashes so far for Schneider. This one paid a net $1,743. Congratulations-ish, Tom.. Nice to book another win, and this one should cover two or three of the many dozens of blinds you\’ve defended poorly in the cash games! Don\’t call it a comeback!
I ran into Angry Julie in the poker kitchen late last night shortly after Tom had busted out, and she was unusually happy. Giddy, I\’d even say. She was buying herself a Krispy Kreme donut and Tom an ice cream using the $15 food voucher you get for playing in a WSOP event. Informed that she wouldn\’t get back any change, she looked at the guy behind her in line and said, \”How much is what he\’s having? ($8) Great, his too!\”
The dude was super-thankful, but before he could walk away with a smile, she stood there and wouldn\’t let him leave until he tipped the cashier. \”Not until you put at least a dollar in there,\” she said, pointing to the tip basket in front of the register. I know what Tom would think if he saw this: \”Leak.\”
Meanwhile, Tom thinks Pokerati should be all over the continuing saga of the Donkey Bomber POY Banner. \”My picture the only one without a light – rodney dangerfield,\” said a text he sent to me yesterday. I checked, and it\’s true — everyone else has a big beam accenting their mugs. But considering that I have to sit right below his banner and I don\’t want any additional glare, I think we\’ll stick to keeping you posted about his feats busting out of a tournament with only nine tables to go.