I was shoring up on some fundamentals just last night, re-watching Phil Hellmuth\’s Million Dollar Online Poker Secrets. This whole video series is pretty funny now, because it was recorded in 2004, in the early days of the poker boom (when online sites were making a whopping $100k a day!) … and you see a much younger PokerBrat not being too bratty to the folks who shelled out $25 or so for his winning wisdom.
Anyhow, it was really just background music here at Pokerati headquarters until I came across the chapter about \”Online Cheating\”. Though this vid was not a UB pimp-fest (Full Tilt had just started to pioneer the concept of logoing up the pros), it\’s clear by references to his play at Ultimate Bet (in other chapters) that whatever relationship he has/had with the site was starting to take shape … which makes the comments below all the more funny/ironic.
\”As far as the sites being crooked or not, no,\” he says. \”It just drives me crazy when I see a lot of people complaining about being cheated. I just shake my head and say, \’I\’d like to see their hand histories.\’\”
Be careful what you wish for, no?
Interestingly, his advice for if you do think you are being cheated … simply leave the table and go somewhere else. \”Click out of that game and click into the one right next door.\” Fair enough, which is why I hope he understands why some of us still have a hard time recommending the site he represents.
NOTE: I finished up $68 on PokerStars while watching this. Thanks, Phil!