Can’t a Monk Get His Gamble On In Private?

As my first post after the holidays and some taking-care-of-personal-biz time, I am proud to serve this one up. Monks in South Korea were busted by the police for gambling. That\’s not very zen, but the visual brings laughter every time.

The Korea Times reported that a group of five Buddhist monks were minding their spiritual business by playing a little high-stakes poker at a hotel in the North Chungcheong Province, where they were staying for a monk-ish convention. There was about 9 million won in play, which translates into roughly $6865 and some nice action. Where monks might get that kinda dough is probably not my concern, but I do not believe it was the best karma decision for the cops to bust them for playing cards with it.

\”We were tipped off that a group of monks were gambling,\’\’ a police officer said.