Jamie Gold Gets Aced

Where in the world is Jamie Gold these days? Maybe he\’s looking for the plethora of jobs that aren\’t available in Hollywood. Could be that he\’s trying to develop \”America\’s Unemployed Hot Chicks.\” But in the world of poker, he does have a gig. Bankroll Boost is reporting that Gold has signed on as a sponsored player at Aced Poker.

Say what?

Good for Gold in finding a gig in these tough times. Honestly, kudos to anyone who is securing work instead of being on the unfortunate end of losing it right now. Maybe we\’ll hear more about Aced Poker in the near future, if the site decides to promote him (which they have yet to do – Aced has no mention of him on the pages of its site thus far). And come to think of it, Betfair wasn\’t big until it signed Annette Obrestad and Sorel Mizzi, and Cake Poker still hasn\’t signed any players to a roster but continues to gain popularity. Aced Poker is clearly trying to work its way into the upper echelon of sites in the American market by signing a recognizable name to promote it. Keep your eyes open for \”Aced is Gold\” and other oh-so-clever promotions.